Shane Reustle

A Week In Berlin

Being new to Europe, I had a lot to take in when I landed in Berlin. It took me a day or two before I had a stable spot to get some work done. Free wifi hotspots were far and few between and even my first couchsurfing host didn’t have internet. I ended up frequenting two Starbucks locations on either side of the city along with a small coffee shop south of Tiergarten. I was hoping to get to the Betahaus coworking space, but ran out of time.

While I was there I couchsurfed 5 nights and stayed in a hostel once. My hosts were very friendly and one even gave another surfer and I a full tour of the city. The hostel, Singer109, had surprisingly fast internet, cheap nice rooms, clean private bathrooms, and a bar/lounge to work in by the lobby.

Over my time in the city, I spent a total of $191. Food was relatively cheap and I was even able to make it to the movies with some new friends. $140 went towards food (restaurants), $15 towards transportation (subway, bus), and the rest was miscellaneous (movie, public bathroom, hostel, etc).

Since this is the first stop on the trip and I only plan 1-3 days in advance, I didn't get much work on my personal projects done. That will change as I get comfortable with hunting couches and cafes. Next up, Copenhagen.

A cafe in Berlin
