Shane Reustle

Scrub Social Media

Over the past few years, I’ve tried to make it a point to scrub my social history media every couple of months, if I haven’t stopped posting entirely. Here are some of the tools I use, or have recommended to others for various platforms.


There a few tools for this out there, but I found it nice to go through and delete everything manually (after downloading a full account backup). It was one last trip down memory lane before scrubbing it from my account. What you’ll find is that even after you have deleted everything, you’ll see more old posts pop up over the next few days and weeks, due to Facebook’s data center inconsistencies. Just keep deleting them as they pop up and eventually they’ll all be gone.

If you’ve used the legacy Mobile Uploads photo folder from about 10 years ago, there is no easy way to delete the entire album. I wrote about how to get rid of it in this article:


For removing likes (favorites), this easy code snippet works well. Read through the comments if you run into any issues. There seems to be a vague daily limit on the number of actions you can take, so you might need to run this across a few days.

I haven’t found a tool for removing tweets that I love yet. I will update this when I do.


To delete my the reddit account I had since I was a teen, the Chrome extension called Nuke Reddit Account did a great job. It goes through each of your comments and edits them to be blank, to make sure the text doesn’t linger around anywhere, and then it deletes those empty posts. I needed to run it a few times to make sure it got everything.

Happy scrubbing!
